Conference 2019

2019 / 09 / 24 – VIENNA

Cities as driving forces behind gender equality.

Exchanging Best Practices.

The City of Vienna Women’s Department (MA57) and the Women’s Committee of the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns invited to the FemCities Conference 2019. The goal this time was the exchange of concrete best practices with regard to gender equality both in administration and management as well as projects from NGOS for vulnerable groups of women

Outdated concepts of femininity and masculinity, stereotypical roles of women and men as well as financial cuts for feminist projects work against it. In times where the promotion of women is questioned and the whole of Europe is feeling a backlash against the achievements of the women’s movement, it is time to support each other.

With projects working towards gender equality as well as gender mainstreaming we combat these developments.

  • We want to learn from each other and maybe implement similar ideas.
  • We want to work together for a more equal Europe.

Best practices will be introduced in small presentations as well as being visible in a project gallery where interested parties might directly exchange information regarding certain projects.


Cities as driving forces behind gender equality.

Exchanging Best Practices.

VENUE: Rooftop Conference Hall Urania, Uraniastraße 1, 1010 Vienna
DATE: Thursday the 24th of September 2019


FemCities FemCities