
In the context of cities, "climate" refers to the long-term patterns of weather conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric conditions, which prevail within a specific urban area. Cities often have their own microclimates influenced by factors like urban heat islands, pollution, and local geography, which can differ from the broader regional or global climate. Simultaneously, gender-sensitive climate considerations recognize that women and men may experience climate change and its effects differently due to societal roles, access to resources, and vulnerabilities. These so-called climate injustices can create disproportionate effects on already vulnerable communities, exacerbating pre-existing social and economic inequalities, such as a low income. Understanding a city's climate actions in relation to gender equality is essential to ensure climate policies address disparities and promote gender equality by actively engaging women and considering their unique perspectives and needs in climate adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Best Practice Examples: 

Girls@COP26 - The Solutions are feminist

FemCities FemCities