City Planning

City planning is the process of organizing and designing the physical, social, and economic aspects of urban areas to create functional and sustainable communities. Within the framework of gender equality, city planning is the strategic and inclusive process of designing urban spaces, infrastructure, and services to address the specific needs and preferences of all girls and women. It involves creating cities that are safe, accessible, and accommodating towards the different needs of all citizens. Aspects of a gender equal city planning should consider the design and distribution of lighting, transportation, safety and accessibility of public spaces, housing and infrastructures to cover daily needs (supermarkets, child care facilities, work spaces, etc.). Every citizen, especially those of higher ages, different abilities and care needs, profit from sensitive city planning. The overarching objective of city planning in this context is to build more equitable and livable urban environments, reduce gender and age disparities, and ensure that everyone can participate fully in city life.

Best Practice Examples: 


FemCities FemCities