City of Vienna Education Box


City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs


Gender stereotypes and role models shape gender identities and attributions from a young age. Teachers, parents and other caregivers often struggle to find reliable information and tools for gender-sensitive education methods for young children.


The City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs, together with the City Council for Women, developed the "Education Box" – a comprehensive toolbox for educators, parents and other caregivers to anchor gender sensitivity in their daily work and interactions with children. The "Education Box" provides background information on the topic of "gender-sensitive education", encourages further reading and information, helps children to reflect on their own role models and offers practical instructions a on how children can discover and deepen their interests through games. For example, the “Education Box” includes suggestions for inclusive literature and games and a memory game that tries to challenge traditional gender norms. It can easily be downloaded online and printed in school or at home.


The “Education Box” has helped to promote gender-sensitive education, helping to dismantle gender stereotypes and providing a basis for the creation of alternative role models. In a larger sense, the projects contributes to all girls and boys having the opportunity to develop diverse interests and discover their talents, regardless of whether they are girls or boys.

City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs - Homepage

Education Box - Project


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