Work songs by women - Re:composed


City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs


Sexism in the music industry is a pervasive challenge that often manifests through unequal representation of women and men, limited opportunities for the former, and gender-based stereotypes, hindering the professional growth of women in the field. Addressing this issue is crucial for advancing gender equality as it requires dismantling systemic biases, fostering inclusivity, and promoting equal recognition and support for musicians of all genders.


In 2012, the City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs released a CD with old workers' songs that were reinterpreted by feminist artists. (Re:composed I). 10 years later, "Re:composed II - Workers' songs and songs about feminist struggles" was released as a continuation of this artistic project. Re:composed II is dedicated to the topic of "work", as women's and labour market policy issues are currently shaping the discourse on equality in the context of multiple crises (corona, etc.). However, the 11 songs are about much more than work. They deal with topics such as illegal abortions, violence, experiences of discrimination. Free, strong and determined women and their life stories are portrayed through the music of different artists.


The two projects, Recomposed I and II, have not only contributed to giving female artists a space to showcase their talent, but it also gives them a space to sing about feminist issues and raise awareness on the latter.

City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs - Homepage

"Re:composed" - Project

FemCities FemCities