Gender Mainstreaming in Vienna

The Department for Gender Mainstreaming supports the departments and offices of the Vienna City Administration in their gender mainstreaming process. The department demonstrates that gender mainstreaming makes products and services of the City of Vienna fair and fullfilled the needs of the various target groups. The website of the department provides ressource materials and covers following areas:



The Department for Gender Equality of the Vienna City Administration has prepared a manual on gender mainstreaming: “Gender mainstreaming made easy. Practical advice for more gender equality in the Vienna City Administration”.

The manual covers topics as language, public relations and information, events, data and statistics, gender budgeting, procurement, subsidies, meetings, working groups, juries, management tools, legisprudence, advice and consultations. Further it contains practical advice checklists that will make gender mainstreaming at work a lot easier.

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“Gender Mainstreaming made easy ” in English
Download Manual

„Gender Mainstreaming leicht gemacht” in German
download manual


Examples of implementation

Find gender mainstreaming examples and good practices implemented by the City of Vienna in following areas:

  • Work and education

    • The labour market
    • Business promotion
    • Gender Budgeting
    • Kindergarden
    • Schoolyards
  • Culture and leisure time

    • Art and culture
  • Public space

    • Gender-sensitive traffic planning
    • Public lighting
    • Roads, paths and squares
    • Parks

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Objectives of Gender Mainstreaming

General equality objectives include:

  • Equal career opportunities for women and men
  • Fair distribution of unpaid and paid work among women and men, wages and salaries that women and men can live on independently
  • Equality of women and men with regard to political representation and participation
  • Enhancement of gender roles and standards for women and men, elimination of restricting standards
  • Same personal freedoms for women and men, protection against all forms of aggression

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Five Principles of Gender Mainstreaming

Get an overview of the five principles of Gender Mainstreaming and on checklists and questions asked to implement following principles:

  • Gender-sensitive language
  • Gender-specific data collection and analysis
  • Equal access to and utilisation of services
  • Women and men are equally involved in decision making
  • Equal treatment is integrated into steering processes

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