Dutch Social Housing Program


Stichting Timon and Habion – Organisations in Houten, Netherlands


Traditional elderly homes often face the challenge of social exclusion and a lack of intergenerational exchange. The structural nature of many care facilities can contribute to isolation, limiting opportunities for meaningful interactions with younger generations. This social exclusion not only affects the overall well-being of senior women but also hinders the potential for valuable knowledge-sharing and emotional connections between different age groups.


In Beekmos, Houten, Netherlands an innovative social housing program combines senior and young women.  The partnering agencies on this project were Stichting Timon a young adult welfare organization and Habion a housing corporation specialized in affordable housing for seniors.  Certain housing units are dedicated to young mothers or girls who cannot live with their families.  The other units are reserved for elderly residents living in an “assisted living environment”.  The elderly residents serve as “coaches” for the younger women, offering useful advice and sharing their life experiences. On the reverse end, the relationships are good for senior women because it offers the opportunities to add a sense of meaning to their lives and builds intergenerational relationships.


A housing project where elderly and young women live together has a profound impact on fostering intergenerational relations. It creates a dynamic environment where experiences, wisdom, and skills are shared between generations, promoting mutual understanding and empathy. This exchange not only enhances the overall well-being of both groups but also creates a supportive community that enriches lives, breaks down age-related stereotypes, and contributes to a more interconnected and inclusive society.

Housing Futures - Article

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