JUNO Centre in Vienna


JUNO - Centre for Separated and Single Parents in Vienna


Single parents, which at the majority are women, face various challenges due to the responsibilities of raising children alone. These challenges often include financial strain, balancing work and childcare, and dealing with societal stigmas. Single parents may encounter difficulties accessing affordable childcare, pursuing career opportunities, and managing the emotional and practical aspects of parenting without a partner's support. Additionally, gender norms and stereotypes can contribute to judgments and biases against single mothers, making it essential to address these systemic challenges to support the well-being of single-parent families.


JUNO is an association, partly funded by the City of Vienna Department for Women, which offers affordable and communal living for single parents as well as peer counselling and workshops for single parents. Everyone at JUNO who works on the topic of separating families is or has been a separated or a single parent him- or herself. Thus, JUNO was born out of the realisation of how important it is to be able to turn to people who have experienced similar situations.


A housing and counselling project dedicated to single parents, like JUNO, can have a transformative impact by providing stable and secure living arrangements, alleviating the financial burden on these families and creating a supportive environment for both parents and children. Beyond housing, such projects can offer tailored resources, including childcare support and community programs, fostering a sense of community and empowerment that enhances the overall well-being and resilience of single-parent households.

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