Activities of the City of Vienna Women’s Department (MA 57) to tackle VAW
The City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs (MA 57) sets various actions to support and protect women and their children affected by violence. Further it supports studies, conducts campaigns and publishes information material in order to sensitize people about VAW as well as to make the available help services known in Vienna:
- 24-Hour Women’s Emergency Helpline: The Women’s Affairs Department runs a “24-Hour Women’s Emergency Helpline” to provide women and girls who have become victims of violence with immediate help 24 hours a day, by phone, but also through face to face counselling.
- 1 shelter place per 10.000 inhabitants: The Women’s Department Vienna (MA 57) finances the Association of Vienna Women’s Shelters, which offers women affected by violence and their children a safe refuge in five women’s shelters with 228 places and 54 aftercare flats. MA 57 fully funds all five shelters and aftercare flats. Thus, the city of Vienna fulfills the Recommendation by the European Parliament and by the Council of Europe Study on minimum standards for one place in a shelter per 10.000 inhabitants.
- Subsidies for women’s help services: the Department for Women's Affairs promotes associations and projects which provide problem and target-group-specific counselling, support and information to girls and women living in Vienna.
- Studies and conferences.
- Coordination of and participation in working groups: e.g. Jour Fixe on Violence Prevention, Jour Fixe on FGM.
- Camapigns, e.g. “No, always means no.” or “Mich kriegst du nicht K.O.”, campaign with information on and prevention of “knockout drops” as well as getting ones drink spiked.
- Publications: Safety tips for women and girls in Vienna.
- Offering training on tackling VAW for institutions whose work addresses VAW.
- Examination of draft legislation with a view to its women and gender-specific effects.
24-Hours Women’s Emergency Helpline - 01 71 71 9
The Women’s Emergency Helpline is run by the City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs (MA 57) and is available 24 hours a day. It serves as a contact point for women and girls aged 14 and older who have become victims of sexual, physical or mental violence.
Its central services include swift emergency aid and crisis intervention as well as counselling, advice and support in the event of acute violent experiences. The services are also available to co-affected family members, friends or acquaintances.
The staff members of the Women’s Emergency Helpline are qualified psychologists, social workers and legal experts.
Counselling services are provided in the following languages:
- German
- English
- Spanish
- Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
- Farsi
- Turkish
The team of the Women’s Emergency Helpline can be contacted 24 hours a day at +43 1 71 71 9
Online advice and further information
E-mail: frauennotruf[at]
- 24-hour emergency aid
- also available at weekends and on public holidays
- anonymous and free of charge
- Telephone and personal counselling
- Crisis intervention
- Psychological, social and legal counselling and support
- Counselling for family members, friends, acquaintances
- Referral to social and health-care institutions
- Counselling by e-mail
- Women’s Emergency Helpline Forum, where users can exchange experiences and provide each other with advice
- Assistance and support with reports to the police
- Court proceedings
- Medical examinations
- Further training events for institutions
The Women’s Emergency Helpline provides institutions whose work addresses the issue of violence against women and girls with professional information and organises further training events.