

City of Nantes


The challenge of violence against women is exacerbated when there are inadequate contact points for victims, as it hinders their ability to seek help and support. Without accessible and reliable channels, survivors may face increased isolation and difficulty escaping abusive situations, underscoring the critical need for comprehensive and widely available support services to address the prevalence and impact of gender-based violence.


The City of Nantes has created their project “Citad’elles”, a 24-hour, 365-day reception centre for victims of violence against women. Beyond that, it is an innovative structure for women in general that brings together services to accompany and help women control their lives in cases of extreme vulnerability. The Citad’Elles team is made up of people trained in listening to and supporting women who are victims of violence. They are psychologists, social workers, lawyers, nurses, psychiatrists, midwives, specialised educators, police officers, gendarmes, lawyers, etc. This multidisciplinary team can support women in essential steps such as health, law, social and psychological assistance, and filing a complaint. It also offers self-confidence recovery and revitalisation activities such as support groups or art therapy.


Creating a safe space, like “Citad’elles”, for women who are victims of violence provides a crucial sanctuary where survivors can find support, resources, and a sense of community. This initiative not only helps in the healing process but also empowers women to break the cycle of violence, fostering resilience and promoting long-term recovery while sending a powerful message about the importance of addressing and preventing gender-based violence.

City of Nantes - Homepage 

Citad'elles Project - French and English

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