Barrier-Free Exhibition Module


City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs


Knowing about the needs of women with different disabilities (with the means of studies) and creating specific projects, tools and ideas with and for the target group is a major goal of the City of Vienna.


A barrier-free exhibition module was developed together with architect Gabu Heindl as well as women with different abilities. In this  model, people with all different abilities might benefit from gathering information without barriers (sign language, Braille, wheel chair accessible, simple language).

The exhibition module is versatile and different studies, projects, ideas or information can be displayed with it. At the moment it is accessible at different adult educational centers in Vienna (VHS). The current exhibition is focused on combatting violence against women. It provides information what violence against women can entail, based on the expereinces of different counselling centers for women who witness or suffer from gender based violence.


The exhibition module has been in almost constant display since its development, showcasing the third study in a row. It has been successful with different visitors of all ages and abilities and provides information in almost all barrier-free exhibition tools. Consequently, it ensures equal access to cultural and educational experiences, fostering inclusivity and dismantling physical and societal barriers. By accommodating diverse needs, such a model empowers women with varying abilities to participate fully in exhibitions, promoting their engagement, enrichment, and a sense of belonging in the cultural sphere.

City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs - Homepage

Barrier-Free Exhibition Module - Project

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