Qualitative Study of Women with Disabilities


City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs


Women with different abilities face the same prejudices and challenges as other women with an additional need of specific services. Most of the problems they face are intertwined with sexist prejudices against women, male-dominated decision making processes and a biased service-provision, which lead to immense inequalities for women with different abilities.

Women with different abilities still get pregnant (and need special care or support), they still suffer from (sexualised) violence and earn less than men (also in specific work places for people with disabilities). Abuse against women with different abilities (sexualised, medical or societal) can not be left unaddressed. Girls and women with different abilities need to feel safe, heard and have to be able to take part in every area of societal life.


First, a qualitative study was conducted in 2019 asking women with different abilities what their specific needs and desires from their city and representatives were. Eight focus groups of women with disabilities were involved from the beginning as experts in their own cause. The topics ranged from living conditions, experience of discrimination, education, labour market and social and political participation.

On the one hand their expertise was included in the content design of the study and on the other hand they supported the projects as multipliers for the implementation of the focus groups. Later on, the participants were also invited for the presentation of the study and to discuss the various outcomes.


The main outcomes of the study were as follows:

  • Overall, all participants reported having difficulties meeting their financial and personal needs with regard to health care, living conditions and social as well as educational life.
  • The “male norm” in different areas of life was criticised a lot. Women felt, that they could not live up to certain standards and that they also have to fight various biases at the same time.
  • Participants reported being victimized by society due to their different abilities. Many women also spoke about (sexualized) violence they had endured. Women's emergency services and the specific Viennese NGO “Ninlil” who supports women with different abilities with various councelling offers, were introduced to participants.
  • The positive effects were, that participans felt valued, seen and included in this process.
  • Out of these process the need for barrier free information was made clear. Administrations, cities and other public bodies need to communicate their projects openly and  accesibly to all. 

City of Vienna Department for Women's Affairs - Homepage

Qualitative Study of Women with Disabilities - Project

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