Femcities Conferences
Since 2010, the international FemCities conferences have been followed by German work-meetings in Stuttgart for further development of the content. The work-meetings of the FemCities D-A-CH coordination encourage cooperation and exchange between administrations in the German-speaking part of the Danube region.
In 2011, as a result of successful cooperation on the occasion of the FemCities Conference 2010, the Department for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men of the City of Stuttgart (Baden-Wuerttemberg) took over the network coordination in the German-speaking FemCities D-A-CH region (i.e. Germany, Austria and Switzerland).
For more information contact:
Department for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men, Stuttgart
Abteilung für individuelle Chancengleichheit von
Frauen und Männern, Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Eberhardstraße 61
70173 Stuttgart
Website: stuttgart.de/chancengleichheit
Email: barbara.straub@stuttgart.de
Telephone: +49-711-216-3338
Barbara Straub