
Education in the context of cities refers to the comprehensive system and institutions responsible for providing knowledge, skills, and personal development opportunities to the urban population. This encompasses formal educational institutions like schools, colleges, and universities, as well as informal and lifelong learning options available within the city. Education plays a critical role in shaping the social, economic, and cultural fabric of cities, influencing their competitiveness, inclusivity, and overall quality of life. Gendered differences in education can influence possible job prospects, with girls and women often being discouraged from education and job possibilities the STEM sector, and consequently affect future economic security.  In the context of gender equality, municipal policies can promote gender-inclusive and non-discriminatory educational systems that empower girls and boys, women and men equally, break down traditional stereotypes, and foster a sense of agency and self-worth.

Best Practice Examples: 

City of Vienna Education Box

FemCities FemCities